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Webshop Item
200th anniversary of the discovery of the Cook Island set, 200 éve fedezték fel a Cook szigeteket
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

200th anniversary of the discovery of the Cook Island set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 200th anniversary of the discovery of the Cook Island set
Year: 1975
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Numismatics
Catalog nr.: Mi 465
Webshop Item
Summer Olympics, Tokyo imperforated set + block, Nyári olimpia, Tokió vágott sor + blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

Summer Olympics, Tokyo imperforated set + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Summer Olympics, Tokyo imperforated set + block
Year: 1964
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Motive: Olympics , Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 31 B-37 B + Mi 1 C
Webshop Item
UNCED block + Whales, UNCED blokk + Bálnák
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

UNCED block + Whales

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: UNCED block + Whales
Year: 1992
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Animals
Catalog nr.: Mi 51 + Mi 2190-2191
Webshop Item
WWF: Cheetah 4 FDC, WWF: Gepárd 4 FDC-n
Sign: Cover

WWF: Cheetah 4 FDC

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: WWF: Cheetah 4 FDC
Year: 1984
Sign: Cover
Motive: Animals , WWF
Catalog nr.: Mi 957-960
Webshop Item
Prince William and Kate Middleton - Royal Engagement set + 4 different block, William herceg és Kate Middleton - királyi eljegyzés sor + 4 klf blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Prince William and Kate Middleton - Royal Engagement set + 4 different block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Prince William and Kate Middleton - Royal Engagement set + 4 different block
Year: 2011
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Famous people
Catalog nr.: Mi 1683-1684 + 4 klf blokk Mi 223-226
Webshop Item
Cave Paintings set, Barlangfestmények sor
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Cave Paintings set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Cave Paintings set
Year: 1967
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Art , Folk art
Catalog nr.: Mi 467-470
Webshop Item
Anniversayr of the death of Louis Breguet block, Louis Breguet halálának 100. évfordulója blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Anniversayr of the death of Louis Breguet block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Anniversayr of the death of Louis Breguet block
Year: 1983
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Famous people
Catalog nr.: Mi 62
Webshop Item
BRASILIANA '83 Expo set + block, BRASILIANA '83 Bélyegkiállítás sor + blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

BRASILIANA '83 Expo set + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: BRASILIANA '83 Expo set + block
Year: 1983
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Landscapes
Catalog nr.: Mi 1980-1982 + blokk 55
Webshop Item
Flowers set, large image, Virágok sor, nagy képformátum
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Flowers set, large image

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Flowers set, large image
Year: 2010
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Flowers
Catalog nr.: Mi 1618-1635
Webshop Item
Australian-New Zealand Association of Veterans (Anzac) - Scout set + block, Ausztrál-Új-Zélandi Veterán Szövetség (Anzac) - Cserkész sor + blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Australian-New Zealand Association of Veterans (Anzac) - Scout set + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Australian-New Zealand Association of Veterans (Anzac) - Scout set + block
Year: 2010
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Scout
Catalog nr.: Mi 1636-1639 + blokk 220
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