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Webshop Item
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease

1915 WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military, group of injured soldiers with nurses. photo

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1915 WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military, group of injured soldiers with nurses. photo
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease

WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military, group of soldiers. photo

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military, group of soldiers. photo
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed

Husar Samuel Kralik, vom Husarenregiment Nr. 6. Aus dem goldenen Buche der Armee Serie I. Offizielle Karte für Rotes Kreuz, Kriegsfürsorgeamt, Kriegshilfsbüro Nr. 197. s: A. Marussig

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Husar Samuel Kralik, vom Husarenregiment Nr. 6. Aus dem goldenen Buche der Armee Serie I. Offizielle Karte für Rotes Kreuz, Kriegsfürsorgeamt, Kriegshilfsbüro Nr. 197. s: A. Marussig
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postally unused card Damaged card Missing corner

Kriegsgetraut / WWI German military art postcard, soldier with wife

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Kriegsgetraut / WWI German military art postcard, soldier with wife
Sign: Postally unused card Damaged card Missing corner
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease

WWII German military, Luftwaffe pilot. Simonis (Wien) photo

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: WWII German military, Luftwaffe pilot. Simonis (Wien) photo
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Litho

901 Generalfeldmarschall Graf Waldersee. Oberkommandirender de verbündeten Truppen in China / German Field Marshal, Chief of the Imperial German General Staff and head of the eight-nation relief force in China. Lith. Kunstanstalt Heinr. & Aug Brüning litho

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 901 Generalfeldmarschall Graf Waldersee. Oberkommandirender de verbündeten Truppen in China / German Field Marshal, Chief of the Imperial German General Staff and head of the eight-nation relief force in China. Lith. Kunstanstalt Heinr. & Aug Brüning litho
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Litho
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Litho

1901 Théorie d'histoire / French military art postcard, litho ( tear)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1901 Théorie d'histoire / French military art postcard, litho ( tear)
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Litho
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Artist Signed Gluemark

1917 Hinter einem Mühlrad bis zu den Knien im Wasser stehend, schießt Zugsführer Vinzenz Pateder vom Infanterieregiment Nr. 84. mit großer Ruhe und Sicherheit auf eine feindliche Abteilung. Aus dem goldenen Buche der Armee Serie IV. Offizielle Karte für Rotes Kreuz, Kreigsfürsorgeamt Kriegshilfsbüro Nr. 434. / WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military art postcard, support fund s: Fr. Jung

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1917 Hinter einem Mühlrad bis zu den Knien im Wasser stehend, schießt Zugsführer Vinzenz Pateder vom Infanterieregiment Nr. 84. mit großer Ruhe und Sicherheit auf eine feindliche Abteilung. Aus dem goldenen Buche der Armee Serie IV. Offizielle Karte für Rotes Kreuz, Kreigsfürsorgeamt Kriegshilfsbüro Nr. 434. / WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military art postcard, support fund s: Fr. Jung
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Artist Signed Gluemark
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postally used card Damaged card Artist Signed

WWI peace propaganda s: Lázár Oszkár (cut)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: WWI peace propaganda s: Lázár Oszkár (cut)
Sign: Postally used card Damaged card Artist Signed
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality

Bayr. Landw. Inf. Regt. No. 4. Adjutant des II. Bat. Oberleutnant Lerner März 1915 / WWI German military

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Bayr. Landw. Inf. Regt. No. 4. Adjutant des II. Bat. Oberleutnant Lerner März 1915 / WWI German military
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality
Motive: Horse , Military
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