Niger, Bébé recevant un lavement au piment / native enema for baby, African folklore (creases)
Description: | Niger, Bébé recevant un lavement au piment / native enema for baby, African folklore (creases) |
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Motive: | Folklor |
1908 Puiseurs d'eau au Lac Victoria Nyanza / at Viktoria Lake, water carriers, African folklore, TCV card
Description: | 1908 Puiseurs d'eau au Lac Victoria Nyanza / at Viktoria Lake, water carriers, African folklore, TCV card |
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Motive: | Folklor |
Description: | 1914 Le repassage / grinding, African folklore (creases) |
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Motive: | Folklor |
Description: | Samkita (Gabon), Jeunes filles de l'école / school girl, African folklore |
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Motive: | Folklor |
Haute-Volta, A.O.F., Femme Toucouleurs / native woman hair style, jewellery, African folklore, photo
Description: | Haute-Volta, A.O.F., Femme Toucouleurs / native woman hair style, jewellery, African folklore, photo |
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Motive: | Folklor |
Mauritanie, Types Maures, Femme at Enfant / woman and child, Mauritanian folklore
Description: | Mauritanie, Types Maures, Femme at Enfant / woman and child, Mauritanian folklore |
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Motive: | Folklor |
Description: | Preparing Warp for Weaving, African folklore |
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Motive: | Folklor |
Description: | Dahomey, Dahméenne et son enfant / native mother and son |
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Motive: | Folklor |
L'Afrique en couleurs, Scéne de Marché / Africa in pictures, Market scene, African folklore
Description: | L'Afrique en couleurs, Scéne de Marché / Africa in pictures, Market scene, African folklore |
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Motive: | Folklor |
Description: | 1930 Interieur Alsacien / Alsatian folklore. TCV card |
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Motive: | Folklor |
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