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1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady with K.u.K. military officers. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R., 1900 Hölgy Cs. és k. tisztekkel.. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed Litho

1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady with K.u.K. military officers. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady with K.u.K. military officers. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed Litho
Motive: Art postcards
Webshop Item
1910 Flip Flap at the Japan-British Exhibition. advertising card, 1910 Az ún. Flip Flap a Japán-Brit expón, reklám képeslap.
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear

1910 Flip Flap at the Japan-British Exhibition. advertising card

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1910 Flip Flap at the Japan-British Exhibition. advertising card
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear
Motive: Commercial
Webshop Item
1930 Der Zigeuner-Keller in Nebenhause der Conditorei Wien / Viennese restaurant and inn advertising art postcard with Gypsy violinist, 1930 Bécsi éttermi reklámképeslap cigányprímással.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Small tear

1930 Der Zigeuner-Keller in Nebenhause der Conditorei Wien / Viennese restaurant and inn advertising art postcard with Gypsy violinist

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1930 Der Zigeuner-Keller in Nebenhause der Conditorei Wien / Viennese restaurant and inn advertising art postcard with Gypsy violinist
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Small tear
Motive: Commercial
Webshop Item
1965 IV: Barber European Championship in Budapest. + So. Stpl (surface damage), 1965 IV. Fodrász Európabajnokság Budapest. Képzőművészeti Alap Kiadóvállalat + So. Stpl. (felületi sérülés)
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Special cancellation

1965 IV: Barber European Championship in Budapest. + So. Stpl (surface damage)

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1965 IV: Barber European Championship in Budapest. + So. Stpl (surface damage)
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Special cancellation
Motive: Commercial
Webshop Item
La Troublante Prophétie de Mayence / Emperor Wilhelm II mocking propaganda postcard, II: Vilmos herceget kifigurázó propaganda képeslap.
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect/Damaged card Corner crease

La Troublante Prophétie de Mayence / Emperor Wilhelm II mocking propaganda postcard

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: La Troublante Prophétie de Mayence / Emperor Wilhelm II mocking propaganda postcard
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect/Damaged card Corner crease
Motive: Propaganda, politics
Webshop Item
1901 Lady on bicycle. litho, 1901 Bicikliző hölgy. litho
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Litho

1901 Lady on bicycle. litho

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1901 Lady on bicycle. litho
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Litho
Motive: Ladies , Sport
Webshop Item
1948 Frankfurter Turnfest. Deutsche Turnmeisterschaften, Deutsche Mesiterschaften in den Sommerspielen. Stadion Sandhöfer Wiesen vom 19.-23. August / Frankfurt Sport Festival advertising card, coat of arms + So. Stpl., 1948 Frankfurti sport fesztivált hirdető reklámos képeslap + So. Stpl.
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Special cancellation Crease

1948 Frankfurter Turnfest. Deutsche Turnmeisterschaften, Deutsche Mesiterschaften in den Sommerspielen. Stadion Sandhöfer Wiesen vom 19.-23. August / Frankfurt Sport Festival advertising card, coat of arms + So. Stpl.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1948 Frankfurter Turnfest. Deutsche Turnmeisterschaften, Deutsche Mesiterschaften in den Sommerspielen. Stadion Sandhöfer Wiesen vom 19.-23. August / Frankfurt Sport Festival advertising card, coat of arms + So. Stpl.
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Special cancellation Crease
Motive: Sport
Webshop Item
Commemorative art postcard for the Hungarian Nation for the 150 year long existence of theatrics. Published by Nagy Károly in Debrecen, 1947, Kultúrtörténeti emlékül a Magyar Nemzetnek a 150 éves magyar színjátszás emlékére. Nagy Károly nyomdája (Debrecen) 1947. Búcsúzó a 150 éves színészettől
Sign: Postally unused card Damaged card Restored, Repaired

Commemorative art postcard for the Hungarian Nation for the 150 year long existence of theatrics. Published by Nagy Károly in Debrecen, 1947

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Commemorative art postcard for the Hungarian Nation for the 150 year long existence of theatrics. Published by Nagy Károly in Debrecen, 1947
Sign: Postally unused card Damaged card Restored, Repaired
Motive: Actor/Actress
Webshop Item
1901 President Kruger door de straten van Marseille / South African Republic's (Transvaal) president Paul Kruger in Marseille, tram, crowd, 1901 Paul Kruger, Dél Afrikai köztársaság elnöke Marseille-ben.
Sign: Postally used card Damaged card Missing corner

1901 President Kruger door de straten van Marseille / South African Republic's (Transvaal) president Paul Kruger in Marseille, tram, crowd

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1901 President Kruger door de straten van Marseille / South African Republic's (Transvaal) president Paul Kruger in Marseille, tram, crowd
Sign: Postally used card Damaged card Missing corner
Motive: Monarch, politician
Webshop Item
Napoleon and Pope Pius VII, M. Munk Vienne Nr. 798. s: Myrbach (wet damage), Napóleon és VII. Piusz Pápa, M. Munk Vienne Nr. 798. s: Myrbach (ázott)
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect/Damaged card Artist Signed

Napoleon and Pope Pius VII, M. Munk Vienne Nr. 798. s: Myrbach (wet damage)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Napoleon and Pope Pius VII, M. Munk Vienne Nr. 798. s: Myrbach (wet damage)
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect/Damaged card Artist Signed
Motive: Monarch, politician
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