1905 Liege, Exposition Universelle et Internationale, Le Pavillon de Canada / exhibition, Canada pavilion
Description: | 1905 Liege, Exposition Universelle et Internationale, Le Pavillon de Canada / exhibition, Canada pavilion |
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Description: | Kortrijk, Courtrai; Railway station |
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Description: | Wenduyne beach |
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Description: | Ostend floral clock |
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Description: | Ostend beach |
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Description: | Antwerp, Anvers; Panorama de l'Avenue De Keyzer / avenue, TCV card |
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Description: | Leuven, Louvain; little girl leporellocard |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Children |
Description: | 1899 Brussels, Bruxelles; Eglise Sainte Gudule / church at night litho |
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Motive: | Art postcards |
1913 Ghent, Gand; Exposition Internationale et Universelle / international exhibition, Pavilion of Brussels
Description: | 1913 Ghent, Gand; Exposition Internationale et Universelle / international exhibition, Pavilion of Brussels |
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Description: | 1935 Brussels, Bruxelles; Exposition / exhibiton, pavilion of Italy |
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