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Webshop Item
1kr MP III lemon "(C)ASCHAU" Certificate: Strakosch, 1kr MP III citromsárga "(C)ASCHAU" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Used

1kr MP III lemon "(C)ASCHAU" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1kr MP III lemon "(C)ASCHAU" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
1kr MP III lemon "RAAB" Certificate: Strakosch, 1kr MP III citromsárga "RAAB" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Used

1kr MP III lemon "RAAB" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1kr MP III lemon "RAAB" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
2kr HP IIIa black with 6,5 mm margin "PES(TH)" Certificate: Babor, 2kr HP IIIa fekete 6,5 mm ívszéllel "PES(TH)" Certificate: Babor
Sign: Used

2kr HP IIIa black with 6,5 mm margin "PES(TH)" Certificate: Babor

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 2kr HP IIIa black with 6,5 mm margin "PES(TH)" Certificate: Babor
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
2kr HP III black "PESTH" Certificate: Ferchenbauer, 2kr HP III fekete "PESTH" Certificate: Ferchenbauer
Sign: Piece

2kr HP III black "PESTH" Certificate: Ferchenbauer

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 2kr HP III black "PESTH" Certificate: Ferchenbauer
Year: 1850
Sign: Piece
Webshop Item
3kr HP I cinnabar, margin print, plate flaws "GROSSWARDEIN" Certificate: Strakosch, 3kr HP I cinóber, ívszéli nyomat lemezhibákkal  "GROSSWARDEIN" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Piece

3kr HP I cinnabar, margin print, plate flaws "GROSSWARDEIN" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr HP I cinnabar, margin print, plate flaws "GROSSWARDEIN" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Piece
Webshop Item
3kr MP I cinnabar, plate flaws, St. Andrews cross part on the right "R(A)AB" Certificate: Strakosch, 3kr MP I cinóber, lemezhibák, jobb oldalon andráskereszt végződés "R(A)AB" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Used

3kr MP I cinnabar, plate flaws, St. Andrews cross part on the right "R(A)AB" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr MP I cinnabar, plate flaws, St. Andrews cross part on the right "R(A)AB" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
3kr HP Ib rose, overinked print "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch, 3kr HP Ib rózsaszín, túlfestékezett nyomat "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Piece

3kr HP Ib rose, overinked print "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr HP Ib rose, overinked print "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Piece
Webshop Item
3kr MP Ib dark tomato red, highlighted eagle, Gravurtype 2-2 "BUCCARI" Certificate: Steiner, 3kr MP Ib sötét paradicsom piros, kiemelt sas Gravurtype 2-2 "BUCCARI" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

3kr MP Ib dark tomato red, highlighted eagle, Gravurtype 2-2 "BUCCARI" Certificate: Steiner

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr MP Ib dark tomato red, highlighted eagle, Gravurtype 2-2 "BUCCARI" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
3kr HP dark carmine rose, margin print with 5 mm margin "SELMECZBÁNYA" Certificate: Steiner, 3kr HP Ia sötét kárminrózsa ívszéli nyomat 5mm ívszéllel "SELMECZBÁNYA" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Piece

3kr HP dark carmine rose, margin print with 5 mm margin "SELMECZBÁNYA" Certificate: Steiner

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr HP dark carmine rose, margin print with 5 mm margin "SELMECZBÁNYA" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Piece
Webshop Item
6kr HP III brown  "TOLNA" Certificate: Strakosch, 6kr HP III barna, lilliputi vágás "TOLNA" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Piece

6kr HP III brown "TOLNA" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP III brown "TOLNA" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Piece
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