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Webshop Item
5kr (thin paper, gum disturbance), 1867 5kr rácsozott fejképalap, intenzív színű nyomat ( kis elvékonyodás és betapadás )
Sign: Hinged

5kr (thin paper, gum disturbance)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr (thin paper, gum disturbance)
Year: 1867
Sign: Hinged
Webshop Item
1863 2 x 15kr on 2nd weight class, 3rd zone registered cover with full content. (10kr on the backside is missing), 1863 2 x 15kr 3. zónás távolsági, 2. súlyfokozatú ajánlott levélen teljes tartalommal. A hátoldali 10kr hiányzik, de így is érdekes darab! "MAKÓ" - Déva
Sign: Cover

1863 2 x 15kr on 2nd weight class, 3rd zone registered cover with full content. (10kr on the backside is missing)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1863 2 x 15kr on 2nd weight class, 3rd zone registered cover with full content. (10kr on the backside is missing)
Year: 1863
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
5kr cut with scissors on above, on domestic cover, 1864 5kr felül ollóval vágva távolsági levélen "WIESELBURG" - Wien
Sign: Cover

5kr cut with scissors on above, on domestic cover

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr cut with scissors on above, on domestic cover
Year: 1864
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
Domestic registered cover: 15kr on the front, 10kr on the back (torn). 15kr with plate flaw., 1862 Távolsági ajánlott levél, 15kr az előoldalon + 10kr a hátoldalon (levélbontáskor elvágva / torn). A 15kr-en festékfolt az uralkodó nyakán. Látványos, szép darab! "PESTH" - Wien
Sign: Cover

Domestic registered cover: 15kr on the front, 10kr on the back (torn). 15kr with plate flaw.

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Domestic registered cover: 15kr on the front, 10kr on the back (torn). 15kr with plate flaw.
Year: 1862
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
15kr I shifted perforation on domestic cover with full content, 1858 15kr I. extrém elfogazással távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal "(SURÁNY)" - Pesth
Sign: Cover

15kr I shifted perforation on domestic cover with full content

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 15kr I shifted perforation on domestic cover with full content
Year: 1858
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
5kr II paint spot, on domestic cover with full content, 1860 5kr II, festékfolt a fejen, távolsági levélen tartalommal "PESTH" - Totis
Sign: Cover

5kr II paint spot, on domestic cover with full content

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr II paint spot, on domestic cover with full content
Year: 1860
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
1856 9kr MP IIIb with nice margins on domestic cover with full content, 1856 9kr MP IIIb teljes, óriási szélekkel távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal "SZE(GE)DIN" - Herrmannstadt
Sign: Cover

1856 9kr MP IIIb with nice margins on domestic cover with full content

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1856 9kr MP IIIb with nice margins on domestic cover with full content
Year: 1856
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
2kr II. shifted perforation, 1858 2kr II. tipus mindkét irányban erősen elfogazva "SISSEK" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

2kr II. shifted perforation

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 2kr II. shifted perforation
Year: 1858
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
9kr + 6kr on registered domestic cover, 9kr with plate flaw, both HP III, ~1852 9kr távolsági ajánlott levél előoldalán, 6kr pedig a hátoldalán, mindkettő HP III., lemezhiba a 9kr bélyegen. "PESTH" - Nagy Várad
Sign: Cover

9kr + 6kr on registered domestic cover, 9kr with plate flaw, both HP III

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 9kr + 6kr on registered domestic cover, 9kr with plate flaw, both HP III
Year: 1852
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
Newspaper stamp (cut on the right side) Identification: Strakosch, 1851 Merkur Hírlapbélyeg jobb oldalon enyhén bevágva. Strakosch azonosítással.
Sign: Hinged

Newspaper stamp (cut on the right side) Identification: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Newspaper stamp (cut on the right side) Identification: Strakosch
Year: 1851
Sign: Hinged
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