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Webshop Item
Newspaper stamp, light grey "MUNKÁC(S)" (tear below). Certificate: Steiner, Hírlapbélyeg, világosszürke "MUNKÁC(S)" (alul szakadás). Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

Newspaper stamp, light grey "MUNKÁC(S)" (tear below). Certificate: Steiner

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Newspaper stamp, light grey "MUNKÁC(S)" (tear below). Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1861
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
5kr with shifted perforation "ALBA" (Ryan 500 p) Certificate: Babor, 5kr extrém elfogazással kivágáson "ALBA" (Ryan 500 p) Certificate: Babor
Sign: Piece

5kr with shifted perforation "ALBA" (Ryan 500 p) Certificate: Babor

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr with shifted perforation "ALBA" (Ryan 500 p) Certificate: Babor
Year: 1867
Sign: Piece
Webshop Item
5kr "CSÉHTELEK" (Gudlin 350 p) Certificate: Goller, 5kr "CSÉHTELEK" (Gudlin 350 p) Certificate: Goller
Sign: Piece

5kr "CSÉHTELEK" (Gudlin 350 p) Certificate: Goller

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr "CSÉHTELEK" (Gudlin 350 p) Certificate: Goller
Year: 1867
Sign: Piece
Webshop Item
10kr with dry ink "(A)RAD / (AJÁNLOTT)" Certificate: Goller, 10kr látványos festékhiány a medálban "(A)RAD / (AJÁNLOTT)" Certificate: Goller
Sign: Used

10kr with dry ink "(A)RAD / (AJÁNLOTT)" Certificate: Goller

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Description: 10kr with dry ink "(A)RAD / (AJÁNLOTT)" Certificate: Goller
Year: 1867
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
15kr lined medallion on registered cover, "MOOR" - Laibach, 15kr vonalkázott fejképalap ajánlott levélen, "MOOR" - Laibach
Sign: Cover

15kr lined medallion on registered cover, "MOOR" - Laibach

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 15kr lined medallion on registered cover, "MOOR" - Laibach
Year: 1870
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
5kr PS-cover "TEMESVÁR / GYÁRKÜLVÁROS" - Bremen, 5kr díjjegyes boríték "TEMESVÁR / GYÁRKÜLVÁROS" - Bremen
Sign: Cover

5kr PS-cover "TEMESVÁR / GYÁRKÜLVÁROS" - Bremen

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr PS-cover "TEMESVÁR / GYÁRKÜLVÁROS" - Bremen
Year: 1871
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
9kr HP Type I with whole, large margins and plate varieties on cover sent abroad with full content, "(P)ESTH" - Venise + "WIEN" and "VENEZIA" postmarks on the back. Spectacular piece! "Post restante", 9kr HP Type I teljes, óriási szélekkel, lemezhibákkal! külföldre küldött levélen teljes tartalommal "(P)ESTH" - Venise, hátoldalon "WIEN" és "VENEZIA" bélyegzők. Látványos, szép darab! "Post restante"
Sign: Cover

9kr HP Type I with whole, large margins and plate varieties on cover sent abroad with full content, "(P)ESTH" - Venise + "WIEN" and "VENEZIA" postmarks on the back. Spectacular piece! "Post restante"

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 9kr HP Type I with whole, large margins and plate varieties on cover sent abroad with full content, "(P)ESTH" - Venise + "WIEN" and "VENEZIA" postmarks on the back. Spectacular piece! "Post restante"
Year: 1851
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
9kr HP Type III with whole, large margins on domestic cover with full content, written to Baron Ede Mednyánszky on a paper decorated with coat of arms. Interesting, beautiful piece! "OFEN" - Beczkó, 9kr HP Type III teljes, óriási szélekkel távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal, Báró Mednyánszky Edének címeres levélpapíron írt levél! Érdekes, szép darab! "OFEN" - Beczkó
Sign: Cover

9kr HP Type III with whole, large margins on domestic cover with full content, written to Baron Ede Mednyánszky on a paper decorated with coat of arms. Interesting, beautiful piece! "OFEN" - Beczkó

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 9kr HP Type III with whole, large margins on domestic cover with full content, written to Baron Ede Mednyánszky on a paper decorated with coat of arms. Interesting, beautiful piece! "OFEN" - Beczkó
Year: 1852
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
3kr HP III with nice margins and plate flaw on domestic cover, "SZÁSZVÁROS" - Hermannstadt, 3kr HP III szép szélekkel, élénk színben, távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal, lemezhiba a 3-as felett, "SZÁSZVÁROS" - Hermannstadt
Sign: Cover

3kr HP III with nice margins and plate flaw on domestic cover, "SZÁSZVÁROS" - Hermannstadt

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr HP III with nice margins and plate flaw on domestic cover, "SZÁSZVÁROS" - Hermannstadt
Year: 1855
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
~1855 9kr MP Type III with large margins on domestic cover, "SZEGEDIN" - Gyöngyös (one flap cut), ~1855 9kr MP Type III jó, óriási szélekkel távolsági levélen, "SZEGEDIN" - Gyöngyös (egyik hajtóka lerövidítve)
Sign: Cover

~1855 9kr MP Type III with large margins on domestic cover, "SZEGEDIN" - Gyöngyös (one flap cut)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: ~1855 9kr MP Type III with large margins on domestic cover, "SZEGEDIN" - Gyöngyös (one flap cut)
Year: 1855
Sign: Cover
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