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Auction 482

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Webshop Item
5kr Type I on domestic cover with full content, "GÖLLNITZ" - Caschau, 5kr Type I távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal "GÖLLNITZ" - Caschau
Sign: Cover

5kr Type I on domestic cover with full content, "GÖLLNITZ" - Caschau

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr Type I on domestic cover with full content, "GÖLLNITZ" - Caschau
Year: 1859
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
5kr Type II with shifted perforation on domestic cover with full content, "FOGARAS" - Herrmanstadt, 5kr Type II jelentős elfogazással, távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal "FOGARAS" - Herrmanstadt
Sign: Cover

5kr Type II with shifted perforation on domestic cover with full content, "FOGARAS" - Herrmanstadt

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr Type II with shifted perforation on domestic cover with full content, "FOGARAS" - Herrmanstadt
Year: 1859
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
Newspaper stamp greyish purple, "(P)APA". Identification: Strakosch, Hírlapbélyeg szürkésibolya színben, "(P)APA". Identification: Strakosch
Sign: Used

Newspaper stamp greyish purple, "(P)APA". Identification: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Newspaper stamp greyish purple, "(P)APA". Identification: Strakosch
Year: 1858
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
5kr centered, in nice colour on domestic cover with full content, "TOTIS" - Esztergom, 5kr centrált, szép élénk színben távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal, "TOTIS" - Esztergom
Sign: Cover

5kr centered, in nice colour on domestic cover with full content, "TOTIS" - Esztergom

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr centered, in nice colour on domestic cover with full content, "TOTIS" - Esztergom
Year: 1861
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
3 x 5kr horizontal pair + solo stamp, different prints and colours!!! on domestic cover with full, interesting content, mailed from Besenyő, "SZALA-EGERSZEG / 24/12" - Rakovicz. Spectacular piece!, 3 x 5kr vízszintes pár + szóló darab, eltérő nyomatok, eltérő színárnyalatok!!! távolsági levélen teljes érdekes tartalommal Besenyőről, "SZALA-EGERSZEG / 24/12" - Rakovicz. Látványos darab!
Sign: Cover

3 x 5kr horizontal pair + solo stamp, different prints and colours!!! on domestic cover with full, interesting content, mailed from Besenyő, "SZALA-EGERSZEG / 24/12" - Rakovicz. Spectacular piece!

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3 x 5kr horizontal pair + solo stamp, different prints and colours!!! on domestic cover with full, interesting content, mailed from Besenyő, "SZALA-EGERSZEG / 24/12" - Rakovicz. Spectacular piece!
Year: 1861
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
15kr PS-cover, NAGY-KÁROLY" - Pest. Nice, rare piece!, 15kr díjjegyes boríték, hátoldalon levélzáróval, "NAGY-KÁROLY" - Pest. Szép, ritka darab!
Sign: Cover

15kr PS-cover, NAGY-KÁROLY" - Pest. Nice, rare piece!

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 15kr PS-cover, NAGY-KÁROLY" - Pest. Nice, rare piece!
Year: 1861
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
~1864 2kr yellow and 3kr green (nice, rich colours) on domestic cover, "SZOMBATHELY" - Wien. Spectacular piece!, ~1864 2kr sárga és 3kr zöld (szép, élénk színek) távolsági levélen, "SZOMBATHELY" - Wien. Látványos darab!
Sign: Cover

~1864 2kr yellow and 3kr green (nice, rich colours) on domestic cover, "SZOMBATHELY" - Wien. Spectacular piece!

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: ~1864 2kr yellow and 3kr green (nice, rich colours) on domestic cover, "SZOMBATHELY" - Wien. Spectacular piece!
Year: 1864
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
5kr on cover with full content, "SZÁSZ-RÉGEN" - Hermannstadt, 5kr távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal, "SZÁSZ-RÉGEN" - Hermannstadt
Sign: Cover

5kr on cover with full content, "SZÁSZ-RÉGEN" - Hermannstadt

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr on cover with full content, "SZÁSZ-RÉGEN" - Hermannstadt
Year: 1866
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
5kr + 10kr (torn) on domestic cover, "FIUME" + blue "RECOMANDIRT" - Triest, 5kr távolsági levél előoldalán + 10kr hátoldalán (levélbontáskor eltépve, kis hiány), "FIUME" + kék "RECOMANDIRT" - Triest
Sign: Cover

5kr + 10kr (torn) on domestic cover, "FIUME" + blue "RECOMANDIRT" - Triest

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 5kr + 10kr (torn) on domestic cover, "FIUME" + blue "RECOMANDIRT" - Triest
Year: 1866
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
9kr HP Type III with nice margins and spectacular paper creases on domestic cover with full content, "CASCHAU" - Wien, 9kr HP Type III szép szélekkel, látványos papírráncokkal!! távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal, "CASCHAU" - Wien
Sign: Cover

9kr HP Type III with nice margins and spectacular paper creases on domestic cover with full content, "CASCHAU" - Wien

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 9kr HP Type III with nice margins and spectacular paper creases on domestic cover with full content, "CASCHAU" - Wien
Year: 1854
Sign: Cover
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