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Webshop Item
Pink flowers, decorated litho, Szegfű, litho
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Litho

Pink flowers, decorated litho

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Pink flowers, decorated litho
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Litho
Motive: Art postcards , Flower
Webshop Item
Winter, Kunstverlag München Ludwig Frank & Co. No. 543. s: Splitgerber, Tél, Kunstverlag München Ludwig Frank & Co. No. 543. s: Splitgerber
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Artist Signed

Winter, Kunstverlag München Ludwig Frank & Co. No. 543. s: Splitgerber

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Winter, Kunstverlag München Ludwig Frank & Co. No. 543. s: Splitgerber
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards
Webshop Item
Lily of the valley, flower, litho, Gyöngyvirág, litho
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Litho

Lily of the valley, flower, litho

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Lily of the valley, flower, litho
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Litho
Motive: Art postcards , Flower
Webshop Item
Italian art postcard, children, Anna & Gasparini 579-1. s: Bompard, Olasz művészlap, gyerekek, Anna & Gasparini 579-1. s: Bompard
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality Artist Signed

Italian art postcard, children, Anna & Gasparini 579-1. s: Bompard

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Italian art postcard, children, Anna & Gasparini 579-1. s: Bompard
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Children
Webshop Item
Italian art postcard, lady, Anna & Gasparini 399-2. artist signed, Olasz művészlap, nő, Anna & Gasparini 399-2., szignós
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good Artist Signed

Italian art postcard, lady, Anna & Gasparini 399-2. artist signed

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Italian art postcard, lady, Anna & Gasparini 399-2. artist signed
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Ladies
Webshop Item
Lady, The Gibson Art Co., Hölgy, The Gibson Art Co.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality

Lady, The Gibson Art Co.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Lady, The Gibson Art Co.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality
Motive: Art postcards , Ladies
Webshop Item
The stage of life, couple in the theatre, Reinthal & Newman No. 814., Pár a színházban, Reinthal & Newman No. 814.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good

The stage of life, couple in the theatre, Reinthal & Newman No. 814.

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: The stage of life, couple in the theatre, Reinthal & Newman No. 814.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Art postcards , Romance, couples
Webshop Item
The awakening of life, couple, Reinthal & Newman No. 813., Pár, Reinthal & Newman No. 813.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good

The awakening of life, couple, Reinthal & Newman No. 813.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: The awakening of life, couple, Reinthal & Newman No. 813.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Art postcards , Romance, couples
Webshop Item
1953 Die besten Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag / Birthday, flowers, 1953 Születésnap, virágok
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality

1953 Die besten Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag / Birthday, flowers

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1953 Die besten Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag / Birthday, flowers
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality
Motive: Art postcards , Flower , Greeting Cards, Holidays
Webshop Item
Scenes Algériennes, Touaregs dans le Saharah / Algerian folklore, Tuareg people on camels, Algériai folklór, Tuaregek tevéken a Szaharában
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear

Scenes Algériennes, Touaregs dans le Saharah / Algerian folklore, Tuareg people on camels

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Scenes Algériennes, Touaregs dans le Saharah / Algerian folklore, Tuareg people on camels
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear
Motive: Animal , Folklor
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