1938 Kölcsey Ferenc, Országos Kölcsey Ferenc Himnusz ünnepség s: Kanizsai So. Stpl MC
Description: | 1938 Kölcsey Ferenc, Országos Kölcsey Ferenc Himnusz ünnepség s: Kanizsai So. Stpl MC |
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Motive: | Famous people |
Description: | Friedrich Nietzsche |
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Motive: | Famous people |
Description: | Powrót / return, Polish folklore, humour s: N.K.Pimomienko |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Folklor , Humor |
Description: | Car accident, humour s: Schlemo |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Car , Humor |
Description: | Rent bill, humour |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Graphics , Humor , Other Topic |
Gruss von der Musterung, Frauenbewegung, Zukunftsbild der Pioniere / inspection, women's movement, future image of pioneers litho
Description: | Gruss von der Musterung, Frauenbewegung, Zukunftsbild der Pioniere / inspection, women's movement, future image of pioneers litho |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Humor , Ladies , Military |
Description: | Mokány Berci humoros lap, Kner Izidor |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Humor |
Description: | Mokány Berci humoros lap, Kner Izidor So. Stpl |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Humor |
Description: | Mokány Berci humoros lap, Kner Izidor s: Garay |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Humor |
Description: | Children, humour |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Children , Humor , Romance, couples |
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