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Webshop Item
Hungarian National Federation of Women's Affairs, the World Association of Women, flag, propaganda 'Pro Hungaria', 1930 Magyar Nemzeti Szövetség Női Osztálya, Nők Világszövetsége
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Crease

Hungarian National Federation of Women's Affairs, the World Association of Women, flag, propaganda 'Pro Hungaria'

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Hungarian National Federation of Women's Affairs, the World Association of Women, flag, propaganda 'Pro Hungaria'
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Crease
Motive: Propaganda, politics
Webshop Item
Hungarian patriotic military propaganda, Holy crown of Hungary, Ne bántsd a szent koronát! Hadisegélyező Hivatal kiadása
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Damaged backside

Hungarian patriotic military propaganda, Holy crown of Hungary

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Hungarian patriotic military propaganda, Holy crown of Hungary
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Damaged backside
Motive: Propaganda, politics
Webshop Item
Hungarian mushroom propaganda, Összetévesztheted az ehető gombát a mérges gombával! Csak ellenőrzött gombát fogyassz! 'Szikra'
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear

Hungarian mushroom propaganda

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Hungarian mushroom propaganda
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear
Motive: Art postcards , Propaganda, politics
Webshop Item
Hungarian fruit, health propaganda, C-Vitamin table on the backside, Nyári munkánál is gyümölcs! propaganda lap, C-vitamin táblázat a hátoldalon
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Crease

Hungarian fruit, health propaganda, C-Vitamin table on the backside

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Hungarian fruit, health propaganda, C-Vitamin table on the backside
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Crease
Motive: Propaganda, politics
Webshop Item
Belgian Congo, Black people collecting firewood for the steamboats, Belga Kongó, bennszülöttek gyűjtik a fát a gőzhajókhoz
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality

Belgian Congo, Black people collecting firewood for the steamboats

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Belgian Congo, Black people collecting firewood for the steamboats
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality
Motive: Black
Webshop Item
Hongrie, Office National Hongrois du Tourisme; Klösz / Hungarian tourism campaign, Magyar turista kampány.
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Excellent quality/Good

Hongrie, Office National Hongrois du Tourisme; Klösz / Hungarian tourism campaign

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Hongrie, Office National Hongrois du Tourisme; Klösz / Hungarian tourism campaign
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Commercial
Webshop Item
Box match, B.K.W.I. 278-3. s: Schönpflug (pinhole), Box mérkőzés, B.K.W.I. 278-3. s: Schönpflug (pinhole)
Sign: Postally unused card Damaged card Artist Signed

Box match, B.K.W.I. 278-3. s: Schönpflug (pinhole)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Box match, B.K.W.I. 278-3. s: Schönpflug (pinhole)
Sign: Postally unused card Damaged card Artist Signed
Motive: Sport
Webshop Item
Horse race, humour, B.K.W.I. 679-3. s: Schönpflug, Lóverseny, humoros képeslap, B.K.W.I. 679-3. s: Schönpflug
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Corner crease Artist Signed

Horse race, humour, B.K.W.I. 679-3. s: Schönpflug

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Horse race, humour, B.K.W.I. 679-3. s: Schönpflug
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Corner crease Artist Signed
Motive: Horse , Humor , Sport
Webshop Item
Carriage driving racer, humour, B.K.W.I. 678-1. s: Schönpflug, Fogathajtó, humoros képeslap, B.K.W.I. 678-1. s: Schönpflug
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality/Minor defect Stain Artist Signed

Carriage driving racer, humour, B.K.W.I. 678-1. s: Schönpflug

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Carriage driving racer, humour, B.K.W.I. 678-1. s: Schönpflug
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality/Minor defect Stain Artist Signed
Motive: Horse , Humor , Sport
Webshop Item
H.R.H. prince Henry at Eton, Őfelsége.Henry herceg az Etonban.
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Excellent quality/Good

H.R.H. prince Henry at Eton

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: H.R.H. prince Henry at Eton
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Monarch, politician
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