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Webshop Item
Prize-winning dogs 4 values, Díjnyertes kutyák (II.) sor 4 értéke (Mi 872 hiányzik / missing)
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Prize-winning dogs 4 values

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Prize-winning dogs 4 values
Year: 1972
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Animals , Dogs
Catalog nr.: Mi 869-873
Webshop Item
Sport values without gum, as issued, Sport bélyegek gumi nélkül, ahogy kiadták
Sign: Without gum

Sport values without gum, as issued

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Sport values without gum, as issued
Year: 1954
Sign: Without gum
Motive: Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 190-191
Webshop Item
Olympic swimming imperforate set + block, Olimpia, úszás vágott sor + vágott blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

Olympic swimming imperforate set + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Olympic swimming imperforate set + block
Year: 1987
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Motive: Olympics
Catalog nr.: Mi 1076-1079 + Mi 41
Webshop Item
Halley'c comet set + block set, Halley-üstökös (II). sor és blokksor
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

Halley'c comet set + block set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Halley'c comet set + block set
Year: 1986
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Motive: Astronomy, Space
Catalog nr.: Mi 1247 A + Bc, Mi 399-400 A + B
Webshop Item
Josef Rheinberger was born 100 years ago block, Josef Rheinberger születésnapjának 100. évfordulója blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Josef Rheinberger was born 100 years ago block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Josef Rheinberger was born 100 years ago block
Year: 1938
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Famous people , Music
Catalog nr.: Mi 3
Webshop Item
UPU 1999 imperforate block set, UPU 1999 vágott blokksor
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

UPU 1999 imperforate block set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: UPU 1999 imperforate block set
Year: 2000
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Motive: Post , UPU
Catalog nr.: Mi A 308-H 308
Webshop Item
World Cup USA set, Labdarúgó világbajnokság, USA sor
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

World Cup USA set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: World Cup USA set
Year: 1992
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Football , Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 1399 A - 1402 A
Webshop Item
Summer Olympics Atlanta minisheet + block, Nyári olimpia, Atlanta kisív + blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Summer Olympics Atlanta minisheet + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Summer Olympics Atlanta minisheet + block
Year: 1994
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Olympics , Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 1649-1652 + Mi 247
Webshop Item
Summer Olympics Montreal imperforate block, Nyári Olimpia, Montreal vágott blokk
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

Summer Olympics Montreal imperforate block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Summer Olympics Montreal imperforate block
Year: 1976
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Motive: Olympics , Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 10
Webshop Item
Olympics in Los Angeles imperforate set, Los Angeles-i olimpia vágott sor
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

Olympics in Los Angeles imperforate set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Olympics in Los Angeles imperforate set
Year: 1983
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Motive: Olympics , Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 787-790
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