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Webshop Item
1972G 10 Mark "Olympic Games Munich / Knot", 1972G 10M "Müncheni Olimpia / Csomó", 1972G 10 Mark "Olympische Spiele München / Knoten"

1972G 10 Mark "Olympic Games Munich / Knot"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1972G 10 Mark "Olympic Games Munich / Knot"
Country: Germany
Condition: aUNC
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.625
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#131
Weight: 15,5g
Webshop Item
1972J 10 Mark "Olympic Games Munich / Knot", 1972J 10M "Müncheni Olimpia / Csomó", 1972J 10 Mark "Olympische Spiele München / Knoten"

1972J 10 Mark "Olympic Games Munich / Knot"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1972J 10 Mark "Olympic Games Munich / Knot"
Country: Germany
Condition: aUNC
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.625
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#131
Weight: 15,5g
Webshop Item
1971G 5 Mark "Foundation of the German Reich 1871", 1971G 5M "A Német Birodalom alapításának 100. évfordulója", 1971G 5 Mark "100 Jahre Deutsches Reich"

1971G 5 Mark "Foundation of the German Reich 1871"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1971G 5 Mark "Foundation of the German Reich 1871"
Country: Germany
Condition: aUNC
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.625
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#128
Weight: 11,2g
Webshop Item
1971G 5 Mark "Foundation of the German Reich 1871", 1971G 5M "A Német Birodalom alapításának 100. évfordulója", 1971G 5 Mark "100 Jahre Deutsches Reich"

1971G 5 Mark "Foundation of the German Reich 1871"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1971G 5 Mark "Foundation of the German Reich 1871"
Country: Germany
Condition: aUNC
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.625
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#128
Weight: 11,2g
Webshop Item
1974. 50 Schilling "125th Anniversary of the Austrian Police Force", 1974. 50Sch "125 éves az Osztrák Csendőrség", 1974. 50 Schilling "125. Jahrestag der österreichischen Polizei"

1974. 50 Schilling "125th Anniversary of the Austrian Police Force"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1974. 50 Schilling "125th Anniversary of the Austrian Police Force"
Country: Austria
Condition: aUNC
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.640
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#2920
Weight: 20g
Webshop Item
1972. 25 Schilling "Carl Michael Ziehrer", 1972. 25Sch "Carl Michael Ziehrer", 1972. 25 Schilling "Carl Michael Ziehrer"

1972. 25 Schilling "Carl Michael Ziehrer"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1972. 25 Schilling "Carl Michael Ziehrer"
Country: Austria
Condition: aUNC , ex PP
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.800
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#2912
Weight: 13g
Webshop Item
1967. 50 Schilling "100th Anniversary of the Blue Danube Waltz", 1967. 50Sch "100 éves a Kék Duna Keringő", 1967. 50 Schilling "100. Jahrestag des Blauen-Donau-Walzers"

1967. 50 Schilling "100th Anniversary of the Blue Danube Waltz"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1967. 50 Schilling "100th Anniversary of the Blue Danube Waltz"
Country: Austria
Condition: aUNC
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.900
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#2902
Weight: 20g
Webshop Item
1966. 25 Schilling "Ferdinand Raimund", 1966. 25Sch "Ferdinand Raimund", 1966. 25 Schilling "Ferdinand Raimund"

1966. 25 Schilling "Ferdinand Raimund"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1966. 25 Schilling "Ferdinand Raimund"
Country: Austria
Condition: aUNC
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.800
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#2899
Weight: 13g
Webshop Item
1964. 50 Schilling "Winter Olympics Innsbruck", 1964. 50Sch "Téli Olimpia - Innsbruck", 1964. 50 Schilling "Olympische Winterspiele Innsbruck"

1964. 50 Schilling "Winter Olympics Innsbruck"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1964. 50 Schilling "Winter Olympics Innsbruck"
Country: Austria
Condition: XF , edge error
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.900
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#2896
Weight: 20g
Webshop Item
1962. 25 Schilling "Anton Bruckner", 1962. 25Sch "Anton Bruckner", 1962. 25 Schilling "Anton Bruckner"

1962. 25 Schilling "Anton Bruckner"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1962. 25 Schilling "Anton Bruckner"
Country: Austria
Condition: XF
Type of material: Ag - Silver
Purity: 0.800
Catalog nr.: Krause KM#2892
Weight: 13g
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