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Der olle ehrliche Seemann / German folklore, old sailor, Öreg halász a csónakjában, német folklór
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality

Der olle ehrliche Seemann / German folklore, old sailor

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Description: Der olle ehrliche Seemann / German folklore, old sailor
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
1939 Hungarian folklore art postcard, lady with cherries s: Bernáth, 1939 Magyar folklór művészlap s: Bernáth
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Stain Artist Signed

1939 Hungarian folklore art postcard, lady with cherries s: Bernáth

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1939 Hungarian folklore art postcard, lady with cherries s: Bernáth
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Stain Artist Signed
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
1924 Costumi Napoletani, Venditori di agli e cipolle / Italian folklore from Napoli, garlic and onion sellers, 1924 Napoli fokhagyma és hagyma árusok, olasz folklór
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease

1924 Costumi Napoletani, Venditori di agli e cipolle / Italian folklore from Napoli, garlic and onion sellers

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Description: 1924 Costumi Napoletani, Venditori di agli e cipolle / Italian folklore from Napoli, garlic and onion sellers
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
Sterzinger Schützentrompeter. Oesterr.-Ungar. Volkstypen Serie XIX. Tiroler II. Nr. 7. / South Tyrolean folklore from Sterzing (Vipiteno) s: Adolf Kaspar, Dél-tiroli folklór Sterzingből. Volkstypen Serie XIX. Tiroler II. Nr. 7. s: Adolf Kaspar
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed

Sterzinger Schützentrompeter. Oesterr.-Ungar. Volkstypen Serie XIX. Tiroler II. Nr. 7. / South Tyrolean folklore from Sterzing (Vipiteno) s: Adolf Kaspar

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Sterzinger Schützentrompeter. Oesterr.-Ungar. Volkstypen Serie XIX. Tiroler II. Nr. 7. / South Tyrolean folklore from Sterzing (Vipiteno) s: Adolf Kaspar
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
Narodne nosnje okolice Zadra / Costimi nazionali del circondario di Zara (Dalmazia) / Croatian folklore from Zadar (Dalmatia) s: L. Kleinmond, Horváth folklór Zadarból s: L. Kleinmond
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Narodne nosnje okolice Zadra / Costimi nazionali del circondario di Zara (Dalmazia) / Croatian folklore from Zadar (Dalmatia) s: L. Kleinmond

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Description: Narodne nosnje okolice Zadra / Costimi nazionali del circondario di Zara (Dalmazia) / Croatian folklore from Zadar (Dalmatia) s: L. Kleinmond
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
1917 Costume ticinese (Valle Maggia) / Swiss folklore from Valle Maggia, lady with goats, 1917 Valle Maggia, svájci folklór, hölgy kecskékkel
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Damaged backside

1917 Costume ticinese (Valle Maggia) / Swiss folklore from Valle Maggia, lady with goats

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Description: 1917 Costume ticinese (Valle Maggia) / Swiss folklore from Valle Maggia, lady with goats
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Damaged backside
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
Bergführer / German folklore, mountain guide. Moderne Münchner Meister Nr. 2. s: Ludwig Voss, Hegyi túravezető pipával és csákánnyal, német folklór. Moderne Münchner Meister Nr. 2. s: Ludwig Voss
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed

Bergführer / German folklore, mountain guide. Moderne Münchner Meister Nr. 2. s: Ludwig Voss

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Description: Bergführer / German folklore, mountain guide. Moderne Münchner Meister Nr. 2. s: Ludwig Voss
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
Egerländer (bei Karlsbad, Marienbad, Franzensbad) / Czech folklore from the Egerland region s: G. Zindel, Cseh folklór, pipázó férfi s: G. Zindel
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Egerländer (bei Karlsbad, Marienbad, Franzensbad) / Czech folklore from the Egerland region s: G. Zindel

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Egerländer (bei Karlsbad, Marienbad, Franzensbad) / Czech folklore from the Egerland region s: G. Zindel
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
1917 Russian folklore + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab", 1917 Orosz folklór + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab"
Sign: Postally used card Good quality

1917 Russian folklore + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab"

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1917 Russian folklore + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab"
Sign: Postally used card Good quality
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
1917 Russian folklore + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab", 1917 Orosz folklór + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab"
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect

1917 Russian folklore + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab"

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1917 Russian folklore + "K.u.K. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92. Regimentsstab"
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect
Motive: Folklor
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