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Webshop Item
Ryder Cup golf tour stamp booklet, Ryder Kupa golf turné bélyegfüzet, Golfturnier um den Ryder Cup Markenheftchen
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Ryder Cup golf tour stamp booklet

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Ryder Cup golf tour stamp booklet
Year: 2005
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 1665-1668
Webshop Item
Kickbox WC set + block in dekorative holder, Kickbox VB sor + blokk díszcsomagolásban, Weltmeisterschaft im Kickboxen Satz + Block im Präsentation-Pack
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Kickbox WC set + block in dekorative holder

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Kickbox WC set + block in dekorative holder
Year: 1999
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Sports
Catalog nr.: Mi 184-186 + 21
Webshop Item
Military aircraft set, A bolgár katonai repülés története sor, Geschichte der bulgarischen Militärluftfahrt Satz
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Military aircraft set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Military aircraft set
Year: 2007
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Airplane , Aviation , Military
Catalog nr.: Mi 4796-4799
Webshop Item
Ramsar Alderney wetlands set, Ramsar Alderney vízivilág sor, Aufnahme von Feuchtgebieten auf Alderney in die Ramsar-Konvention der Vereinten Nationen Satz
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Ramsar Alderney wetlands set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Ramsar Alderney wetlands set
Year: 2007
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Nature
Catalog nr.: Mi 298-303
Webshop Item
Europa CEPT Scout corner pair + block, Europa CEPT Cserkész ívsarki pár + blokk, Europa CEPT Pfadfinder Paar mit Rand + Block
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Europa CEPT Scout corner pair + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Europa CEPT Scout corner pair + block
Year: 2007
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT , Scout
Catalog nr.: Mi 200-201 + 10
Webshop Item
Europa CEPT Scout Europa CEPT-values from the set, Europa CEPT Cserkész sor Europa CEPT-es értékei, Europa CEPT Pfadfinder Europa CEPT-Werte aus dem Satz
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Europa CEPT Scout Europa CEPT-values from the set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Europa CEPT Scout Europa CEPT-values from the set
Year: 2007
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT , Scout
Catalog nr.: Mi 2552 + 2554
Webshop Item
Ameripex stamp exhibition, centenary of the Statue of freedom in New York block, Ameripex bélyegkiállítás, 100 éves New York-i szabadságszobor blokk, Hafen von New York, Passagierschiff „Queen Elizabeth 2“ Block
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Ameripex stamp exhibition, centenary of the Statue of freedom in New York block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Ameripex stamp exhibition, centenary of the Statue of freedom in New York block
Year: 1986
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Flag , Traffic, vehicles
Catalog nr.: 21
Webshop Item
Air post to Argentina, Légi levél Argentínába, Flugpost nach Argentinien
Sign: Cover Airmail

Air post to Argentina

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Air post to Argentina
Year: 1933
Sign: Cover Airmail
Motive: Airplane , Art
Webshop Item
Aviation block (crocking), A repülés blokk ( festékelkenődés ), Flugwoche Block (Wrack in Färben)
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Aviation block (crocking)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Aviation block (crocking)
Year: 1967
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Aviation
Catalog nr.: 21
Webshop Item
Postcard from Italy "k.u.k. 71. Res. Feld. Art. Brig."+"FP 563", Képeslap Olaszországból "k.u.k. 71. Res. Feld. Art. Brig."+"FP 563"
Sign: Cover

Postcard from Italy "k.u.k. 71. Res. Feld. Art. Brig."+"FP 563"

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Postcard from Italy "k.u.k. 71. Res. Feld. Art. Brig."+"FP 563"
Year: 1917
Sign: Cover
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