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Lady with horse s: Fred Kaskeline, Hölgy lóval s: Fred Kaskeline
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Lady with horse s: Fred Kaskeline

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Lady with horse s: Fred Kaskeline
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Horse , Ladies
Webshop Item
Family, Wohlgemuth & Lissner No. 1181. s: Rothgaengel, Család, Wohlgemuth & Lissner No. 1181. s: Rothgaengel
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Family, Wohlgemuth & Lissner No. 1181. s: Rothgaengel

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Family, Wohlgemuth & Lissner No. 1181. s: Rothgaengel
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards
Webshop Item
'The Jewel Girls' Topaz, B.K.W.I. Nr. 258/5. s: Cecil W. Quinnell
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

'The Jewel Girls' Topaz, B.K.W.I. Nr. 258/5. s: Cecil W. Quinnell

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 'The Jewel Girls' Topaz, B.K.W.I. Nr. 258/5. s: Cecil W. Quinnell
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Ladies
Webshop Item
Italian Art Postcard, Mia May 'Erkal No. 335/3' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Italian Art Postcard, Mia May 'Erkal No. 335/3' s: Usabal

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Italian Art Postcard, Mia May 'Erkal No. 335/3' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Actor/Actress , Art postcards
Webshop Item
Italian art postcard, lady with cigarette 'Erkal No. 303/6' s: Usabal, Olasz művészlap, dohányzó nő 'Erkal No. 303/6' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Corner crease Artist Signed

Italian art postcard, lady with cigarette 'Erkal No. 303/6' s: Usabal

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Italian art postcard, lady with cigarette 'Erkal No. 303/6' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Corner crease Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards
Webshop Item
Italian art postcard, Mia May 'Erkal No. 335/2' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Italian art postcard, Mia May 'Erkal No. 335/2' s: Usabal

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Italian art postcard, Mia May 'Erkal No. 335/2' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Actor/Actress , Art postcards
Webshop Item
Italian art postcard, lady with cigarette 'Erkal No. 303/1' s: Usabal, Olasz művészlap, hölgy cigarettával 'Erkal No. 303/1' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Italian art postcard, lady with cigarette 'Erkal No. 303/1' s: Usabal

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Italian art postcard, lady with cigarette 'Erkal No. 303/1' s: Usabal
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Ladies
Webshop Item
B. Sándor Erzsi 'Színházi Élet'
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality

B. Sándor Erzsi 'Színházi Élet'

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: B. Sándor Erzsi 'Színházi Élet'
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality
Motive: Actor/Actress , Famous people
Webshop Item
Medgyaszay Vilma 'Színházi Élet'
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Stain

Medgyaszay Vilma 'Színházi Élet'

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Medgyaszay Vilma 'Színházi Élet'
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Stain
Motive: Actor/Actress , Famous people
Webshop Item
Nicholas I of Russia, WWI humorous graphic card, I. Miklós orosz cár, első világháborús humoros grafikai lap
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Stain

Nicholas I of Russia, WWI humorous graphic card

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Nicholas I of Russia, WWI humorous graphic card
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease Stain
Motive: Art postcards , Humor , Monarch, politician
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