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Webshop Item
WWF African elephant set, WWF Afrikai elefánt sor, WWF Afrikanischer Elefant Satz
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

WWF African elephant set

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: WWF African elephant set
Year: 1983
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Animals , WWF
Catalog nr.: Mi 361-364A
Webshop Item
22 diff. perforated stamps + perforated + imperforated blocks, 22 klf fogazott bélyeg + fogazott + vágott blokk, 22 verschiedene gezähnte Marken + gezähnter + ungezähnter Blöcke
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

22 diff. perforated stamps + perforated + imperforated blocks

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 22 diff. perforated stamps + perforated + imperforated blocks
Year: 1979
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Webshop Item
1985-1988 25 diff. stamps, with 2 pairs and 1 block of 4, 1985-1988 25 klf bélyeg, közte 2 pár és 1 négyestömb, 1985-1988 25 verschiedene Marken, mit 2 Paaren und 1 Viererblock
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

1985-1988 25 diff. stamps, with 2 pairs and 1 block of 4

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1985-1988 25 diff. stamps, with 2 pairs and 1 block of 4
Year: 1985
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Birds , Building , Famous people , Flag , Ships , Telecommunication
Webshop Item
1999-2001 13 various stamps, 1999-2001 13 klf bélyeg, 1999-2001 13 verschiedene Marken
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

1999-2001 13 various stamps

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1999-2001 13 various stamps
Year: 1999
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT , Famous people , Landscapes , Maps , Science , Stamps on stamps
Webshop Item
1899 Kdyne, Kostel sv. Mikulase, chodska drouzka / church, folklore
Sign: Postally used card Good quality

1899 Kdyne, Kostel sv. Mikulase, chodska drouzka / church, folklore

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1899 Kdyne, Kostel sv. Mikulase, chodska drouzka / church, folklore
Sign: Postally used card Good quality
Motive: Folklor
Webshop Item
Sopron, Lövér szálló és strand, Hűségkapu, Ferenc József tér, Hunyadi utca
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Crease

Sopron, Lövér szálló és strand, Hűségkapu, Ferenc József tér, Hunyadi utca

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Sopron, Lövér szálló és strand, Hűségkapu, Ferenc József tér, Hunyadi utca
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Minor defect Crease
Webshop Item
Sopron, Magyar Művelődés Háza So. Stpl.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good Special cancellation

Sopron, Magyar Művelődés Háza So. Stpl.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Sopron, Magyar Művelődés Háza So. Stpl.
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good Special cancellation
Webshop Item
Pola, Molo Elisabeth, Arena / port, steamships, boats
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Excellent quality/Good

Pola, Molo Elisabeth, Arena / port, steamships, boats

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Pola, Molo Elisabeth, Arena / port, steamships, boats
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Ship
Webshop Item
Győr Royal Szálló, Sétatéri Mulató és papnevelde, Széchenyi tér
Sign: Postally used card Good quality

Győr Royal Szálló, Sétatéri Mulató és papnevelde, Széchenyi tér

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Győr Royal Szálló, Sétatéri Mulató és papnevelde, Széchenyi tér
Sign: Postally used card Good quality
Webshop Item
Marianske Lazne, Marienbad; Cafe Egerlander
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease

Marianske Lazne, Marienbad; Cafe Egerlander

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Marianske Lazne, Marienbad; Cafe Egerlander
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease
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