Zürich, Gesellschaftshaus zur Kaufleuten des Kaufmännischen Vereins / Society House for merchants of the Association of Commercial
Description: | Zürich, Gesellschaftshaus zur Kaufleuten des Kaufmännischen Vereins / Society House for merchants of the Association of Commercial |
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Description: | Zizers bei Schur, Priesterhospiz St. Johannes-Stift / hospice |
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Description: | Basel, St. Josephskirche / church, interior |
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Motive: | Religion |
Description: | Basel, Denkmal der Stadt Strassburg |
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Description: | Basel, Spalenthor / gate |
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Description: | Basel, Marienkirche / church |
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Description: | Zürich, Stadttheater / theatre |
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Description: | Locarno, Grand Hotel Palace, Südfront mit Terrasse |
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Description: | Montreux, Grand Hotel Suisse, steamship |
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Motive: | Ship |
Description: | Jungfraubahn, Silberhorn / railway, train, mountain |
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Motive: | Railway |
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