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Auction 482

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Item pickup: from 27 January

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Romantic couple, Italian lady art postcard, Anna & Gasparini 528-3. artisit signed,, Romantikus pár, olasz művészlap. Anna & Gasparini 528-3. s,
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Artist Signed Gluemark

Romantic couple, Italian lady art postcard, Anna & Gasparini 528-3. artisit signed,

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Romantic couple, Italian lady art postcard, Anna & Gasparini 528-3. artisit signed,
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Artist Signed Gluemark
Motive: Art postcards
Webshop Item
Lady with horse Italian art postcard. Anna & Gasparini 532-2. artist signed,, Hölgy lóval, olasz művészlap. Anna & Gasparini 532-2. s.
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Corner crease Artist Signed

Lady with horse Italian art postcard. Anna & Gasparini 532-2. artist signed,

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Lady with horse Italian art postcard. Anna & Gasparini 532-2. artist signed,
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Corner crease Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Horse , Ladies
Webshop Item
1898 Die Trompete fällt ihr jählings von der Lippe blüh'ndem Rand. Postkarten-Verlag Vogel No. 180. Art Nouveau, floral. artist signed (cut), 1898 'A trombita hirtelen kiesett az ajkai közül'. Postkarten-Verlag Vogel No. 180. Art Nouveau. s. (vágott)
Sign: Postally used card Damaged card Artist Signed

1898 Die Trompete fällt ihr jählings von der Lippe blüh'ndem Rand. Postkarten-Verlag Vogel No. 180. Art Nouveau, floral. artist signed (cut)

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1898 Die Trompete fällt ihr jählings von der Lippe blüh'ndem Rand. Postkarten-Verlag Vogel No. 180. Art Nouveau, floral. artist signed (cut)
Sign: Postally used card Damaged card Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Flower
Webshop Item
1922 Alle Engeln lachen / Romantic couple with angels, wedding art postcard. W.S.S.B. 6594. s: F. Kaskeline, 1922 'Az összes angyal nevet' házassági művészlap. W.S.S.B. 6594. s: F. Kaskeline
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed

1922 Alle Engeln lachen / Romantic couple with angels, wedding art postcard. W.S.S.B. 6594. s: F. Kaskeline

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1922 Alle Engeln lachen / Romantic couple with angels, wedding art postcard. W.S.S.B. 6594. s: F. Kaskeline
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards
Webshop Item
1926 Riding. Lady art postcard. K. Co. Inc. N.Y. 174., 1926 Lovaglás, hölgy művészlap. K. Co. Inc. N.Y. 174.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Corner crease

1926 Riding. Lady art postcard. K. Co. Inc. N.Y. 174.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1926 Riding. Lady art postcard. K. Co. Inc. N.Y. 174.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Corner crease
Motive: Art postcards , Ladies
Webshop Item
1924 Lady with scarf art postcard. Ross-Monopol 628. artist signed, (wet damage), 1924 Hölgy sállal, művészlap. Ross-Monopol 628. s, (wet damage)
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Artist Signed

1924 Lady with scarf art postcard. Ross-Monopol 628. artist signed, (wet damage)

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1924 Lady with scarf art postcard. Ross-Monopol 628. artist signed, (wet damage)
Sign: Postally used card Good quality/Minor defect Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Ladies
Webshop Item
1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady riding with K.u.K. military officer. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R., 1900 Hölgy Cs. és k. katonatiszttel.. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed Litho

1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady riding with K.u.K. military officer. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady riding with K.u.K. military officer. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed Litho
Motive: Art postcards , Horse
Webshop Item
1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady with K.u.K. military officers. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R., 1900 Hölgy Cs. és k. tisztekkel.. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed Litho

1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady with K.u.K. military officers. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1900 Hungarian art postcard, lady with K.u.K. military officers. Kunstanstalt Kosmos litho s: Geiger R.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Minor corner crease Artist Signed Litho
Motive: Art postcards
Webshop Item
1910 Flip Flap at the Japan-British Exhibition. advertising card, 1910 Az ún. Flip Flap a Japán-Brit expón, reklám képeslap.
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear

1910 Flip Flap at the Japan-British Exhibition. advertising card

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Description: 1910 Flip Flap at the Japan-British Exhibition. advertising card
Sign: Postally unused card Minor defect Small tear
Motive: Commercial
Webshop Item
1930 Der Zigeuner-Keller in Nebenhause der Conditorei Wien / Viennese restaurant and inn advertising art postcard with Gypsy violinist, 1930 Bécsi éttermi reklámképeslap cigányprímással.
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Small tear

1930 Der Zigeuner-Keller in Nebenhause der Conditorei Wien / Viennese restaurant and inn advertising art postcard with Gypsy violinist

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1930 Der Zigeuner-Keller in Nebenhause der Conditorei Wien / Viennese restaurant and inn advertising art postcard with Gypsy violinist
Sign: Postally used card Minor defect Small tear
Motive: Commercial
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