Leírás: | Cotonou, Famille de Dahoméens / native family, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Dahoméenne et son enfant / natives, mother and son, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Dahomey, Marchande d'Akassa Zagnanavo / native woman, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Rhodiya woman from Ceylon, Sri Lanka folklore, TCV card |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Danse de Féticheurs /dance of fetishes, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Dahomey, Danse Dahoméenne / native dancer, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Dahomey, Femme Mina / native woman, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Les Makarelly (Danses hovas) / hova dancers, natives, Madagascar folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Dances des Makarelly / native dancers, Madagascar folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
1908 Femme Betsileo se faisant coiffer / Betsileo women, hair making, Madagascar folklore, TCV card
Leírás: | 1908 Femme Betsileo se faisant coiffer / Betsileo women, hair making, Madagascar folklore, TCV card |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
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