Leírás: | Rome, Roma; Tempio di Vesta / temple, Synagogue |
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Leírás: | Rome, Roma; Isola Tiberina, synagogue |
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Leírás: | Rome, Roma; Nel Foro Romano, litho |
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Rome, Roma; 'Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II' / statue of Victor Emmanuel II, automobile
Leírás: | Rome, Roma; 'Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II' / statue of Victor Emmanuel II, automobile |
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Leírás: | Rome, Roma; Chiesa S. Agnese / church |
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1915 Roma, Rome; Alluvioni il 15 febbraio 1915 / flood of River Tiber. photo
Leírás: | 1915 Roma, Rome; Alluvioni il 15 febbraio 1915 / flood of River Tiber. photo |
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San Colombano al Lambro, Fonti Minerali Gerette, Acque Purgative / restaurant, mineral water advertisement
Leírás: | San Colombano al Lambro, Fonti Minerali Gerette, Acque Purgative / restaurant, mineral water advertisement |
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Leírás: | San Remo, 'Una vecchia via' / old street |
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Leírás: | San Remo, Passeggiata dell' Imperatrice / promeande |
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Santa Cristina Valgardena, St. Christina in Gröden (Südtirol); Rifugio Firenze in Cisles (Gruppo delle Odle) / Regensburger Hütte mit Geisler Gruppe (Dolomiten) + "K.u.k. Infanterieregiment Nr. 116. 10. Feldkompagnie"
Leírás: | Santa Cristina Valgardena, St. Christina in Gröden (Südtirol); Rifugio Firenze in Cisles (Gruppo delle Odle) / Regensburger Hütte mit Geisler Gruppe (Dolomiten) + "K.u.k. Infanterieregiment Nr. 116. 10. Feldkompagnie" |
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