Leírás: | Portugese fort un Ruins / ruins of a fortress |
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Leírás: | Sakété, Le Sentier du Village / village path |
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Leírás: | Sakété, Le Chemin de la Lagune / the way of the Lagoon |
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Leírás: | Savalou, general view |
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Leírás: | Savalou, general view |
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Leírás: | Savé, Uu Troupeau allant au Paturage / cows in the pasture |
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Leírás: | Savé, En Voyage, Une halte / resting under the trees |
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Leírás: | Segbohoué, Segboroué; Pecheurs sur le Lac Aémé / fishermen on lake Aémé |
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Motívum: | Hajó |
Leírás: | Toepo, Southern Nigeria, Plantation de cocotiers / coconut plantation |
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Toepo, Southern Nigeria, Préparation de la farin de manioc / preparation of manoic (cassava) flour
Leírás: | Toepo, Southern Nigeria, Préparation de la farin de manioc / preparation of manoic (cassava) flour |
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