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Viewing: from 3 to 6 February

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Deadline for payment: 21 February

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Auction 482

Viewing: 20 January - 23 January

Item pickup: from 27 January

Deadline for payment: 7 February

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Philately, Postal history, Numismatics, Postcards, Books, old paper memorabilia, Graphics, Porcelain, old coins, Banknotes, Coins, Judaica, Manuscripts, Historical documents, Printed material, Stamps, Covers, Stamp album, Commemorativ sheet, Stamp catalogue, numismatic catalogue, Philatelic accessories, Auction, Auction, webshop,

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Webshop Item
Europa CEPT the letter margin set, Europa CEPT a levél ívszéli sor, Europa CEPT Der Brief Satz mit Rand
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Europa CEPT the letter margin set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Europa CEPT the letter margin set
Year: 2008
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT
Catalog nr.: Mi 611-612
Webshop Item
Europa CEPT the letter margin set, Europa CEPT a levél ívszéli sor, Europa CEPT Der Brief Satz mit Rand
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Europa CEPT the letter margin set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Europa CEPT the letter margin set
Year: 2008
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT
Catalog nr.: Mi 2890-2891
Webshop Item
Europa CEPT the letter margin set, Europa CEPT a levél ívszéli sor, Europa CEPT Der Brief Satz mit Rand
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Europa CEPT the letter margin set

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Europa CEPT the letter margin set
Year: 2008
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT
Catalog nr.: Mi 970-971
Webshop Item
Europa CEPT margin stamp, Europa CEPT ívszéli bélyeg, Europa CEPT Marke mit Rand
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Europa CEPT margin stamp

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Europa CEPT margin stamp
Year: 2008
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT
Catalog nr.: Mi 615
Webshop Item
Europa CEPT 2 corner block of 8, Europa CEPT 2 ívsarki nyolcastömb, Europa CEPT 2 Achterblock mit Rand
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Europa CEPT 2 corner block of 8

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Europa CEPT 2 corner block of 8
Year: 2008
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Europa CEPT
Catalog nr.: Mi 1601-1602
Webshop Item
American Independence 4 strioe of 3 + 2 block, 200 éves az amerikai függetlenség 4 hármascsík + 2 blokk, 200 Jahre Unabhängigkeit der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika; 4 Dreierstreifen + 2 Block
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

American Independence 4 strioe of 3 + 2 block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: American Independence 4 strioe of 3 + 2 block
Year: 1976
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Famous people , History
Catalog nr.: 249-260+16-17
Webshop Item
Royal visitation overprint set + 2 block, Királyi látogatás kétféle fogazással sor + 2 blokk, Königlicher Besuch auf Antigua und Barbuda (II) mit Aufdruck
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Royal visitation overprint set + 2 block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Royal visitation overprint set + 2 block
Year: 1977
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Famous people , History
Catalog nr.: 344-348 A a-C a + 23 + 28
Webshop Item
Importants events of the year set + imperforated block, Az év fontos eseményei sor + vágott blokk, Jahresereignisse: Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1978, 75. Jahrestag des 1. Motorfluges der Gebrüder Wright, 1. Atlantiküberquerung mit einem Ballon, 25. Jahrestag der Krönung von Königin Elisabeth II.
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated

Importants events of the year set + imperforated block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Importants events of the year set + imperforated block
Year: 1978
Sign: Mint Never Hinged Imperforated
Motive: Airplane , Aviation , Famous people , Football
Catalog nr.: 430-433+39
Webshop Item
Sir Rowland Hill set + block, Sir Rowland Hill sor + blokk, 100. Todestag von Rowland Hill (II).
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

Sir Rowland Hill set + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Sir Rowland Hill set + block
Year: 1979
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Famous people
Catalog nr.: 439-442+41
Webshop Item
80th birthday of her majesty Queen Elisabeth pair + block, Az Anyakirálynő 80. születésnapja pár + blokk, 80. Geburtstag von Königinmutter Elisabeth
Sign: Mint Never Hinged

80th birthday of her majesty Queen Elisabeth pair + block

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 80th birthday of her majesty Queen Elisabeth pair + block
Year: 1980
Sign: Mint Never Hinged
Motive: Famous people , People
Catalog nr.: Mi 517-518 + 53
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