Dakar, L'Anse Bernard, L'Afrique Occidentale Francaise / general view, French West Africa map, 2 sheets from postcard booklet
Leírás: | Dakar, L'Anse Bernard, L'Afrique Occidentale Francaise / general view, French West Africa map, 2 sheets from postcard booklet |
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Leírás: | Dakar, Une Rue / street view, well |
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Leírás: | Dakar, Dans le village indigéne / native village, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Dakar, Quartier indigéne / native quarter |
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Dakar, Dans le Village Indigéne, Enfants apprenant á lire le Coran / native village, children learn read the Koran
Leírás: | Dakar, Dans le Village Indigéne, Enfants apprenant á lire le Coran / native village, children learn read the Koran |
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Leírás: | Dakar, Hann / lake, forest |
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1919 Dakar, Boulevard National / street view, horse-drawn carriage, TCV card
Leírás: | 1919 Dakar, Boulevard National / street view, horse-drawn carriage, TCV card |
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Leírás: | Dakar, Palais du Gouvernement Général / Palace of the General Government |
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Leírás: | Dakar, Anse Bernard et Gouvernement / Government Palace, coast |
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Leírás: | Dakar, Bai des Madeleines / bay of Madeleines |
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