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Search Results: 204
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Webshop Item
3kr HP Type I with nice margins, overinked piece on domestic cover with red arrival postmark. Spectacular piece!, ~1852 3kr HP Type I, szép szélekkel, túlfestékezett nyomat távolsági levélen. Hátoldalán piros érkezési bélyegzéssel, látványos szép darab! "PRESZBURG" - Wien
Sign: Cover

3kr HP Type I with nice margins, overinked piece on domestic cover with red arrival postmark. Spectacular piece!

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr HP Type I with nice margins, overinked piece on domestic cover with red arrival postmark. Spectacular piece!
Year: 1852
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
9kr MP Type III with nice whole margins on registered cover sent abroad. 6kr stamp missing from the back but a spectacular and rare piece nonetheless!, ~1852 9kr MP Type III, teljes szép szélekkel, külföldre küldött ajánlott levélen. A hátoldali 6kr hiányzik, de így is látványos, ritka küldemény! "BÖSING" + piros "Recomandirt" + fekete "RECOM" - Sachsen
Sign: Cover

9kr MP Type III with nice whole margins on registered cover sent abroad. 6kr stamp missing from the back but a spectacular and rare piece nonetheless!

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Description: 9kr MP Type III with nice whole margins on registered cover sent abroad. 6kr stamp missing from the back but a spectacular and rare piece nonetheless!
Year: 1852
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
~1852 6kr MP III margin piece on domestic cover. The stamp was soaked for testing, strengthened by hinge. "KOMÁROM" - Wien, ~1852 6kr MP III ívszéli nyomat (13-13,5 mm) távolsági levélen. A bélyeget vizsgálati célból leáztatták, falccal visszaragasztva, "KOMÁROM" - Wien
Sign: Cover

~1852 6kr MP III margin piece on domestic cover. The stamp was soaked for testing, strengthened by hinge. "KOMÁROM" - Wien

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: ~1852 6kr MP III margin piece on domestic cover. The stamp was soaked for testing, strengthened by hinge. "KOMÁROM" - Wien
Year: 1852
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
3kr HP Type I with nice whole margins, overinked piece with nice colour on domestic cover with full content. Postage due for 6kr and red arrival postmark. Spectacular, interesting and rare piece in nice condition!, 3kr HP Type I teljes, szép szélekkel, szép szín, túlfestékezett nyomat távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal. Alulbérmentesítve, ezért "3/3/6" portófeljegyzéssel, még 6kr megfizetésére kötelezve! Hátoldalon piros érkezési bélyegző. Látványos, érdekes, ritka darab, szép állapotban. "ZENGG / 1851" - Triest
Sign: Cover

3kr HP Type I with nice whole margins, overinked piece with nice colour on domestic cover with full content. Postage due for 6kr and red arrival postmark. Spectacular, interesting and rare piece in nice condition!

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 3kr HP Type I with nice whole margins, overinked piece with nice colour on domestic cover with full content. Postage due for 6kr and red arrival postmark. Spectacular, interesting and rare piece in nice condition!
Year: 1851
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
Newspaper stamp Type IIIb dark blue cut with large margins, on full wrapper! Rarely seen, beautiful and fresh piece on green paper. Certificate and signed: Ferchenbauer (Ferchenbauer EUR  350,-), ~1851 Merkúr Hírlapbélyeg sötétkék Type IIIb, óriási szélekkel vágva!! teljes újságszalagon! Ritkán látható szép, friss darab, zöld papíron! "SZOMBATHELY" Certificate and signed: Ferchenbauer (Ferchenbauer EUR 350,-)
Sign: Cover

Newspaper stamp Type IIIb dark blue cut with large margins, on full wrapper! Rarely seen, beautiful and fresh piece on green paper. Certificate and signed: Ferchenbauer (Ferchenbauer EUR 350,-)

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Newspaper stamp Type IIIb dark blue cut with large margins, on full wrapper! Rarely seen, beautiful and fresh piece on green paper. Certificate and signed: Ferchenbauer (Ferchenbauer EUR 350,-)
Year: 1851
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
6kr HP Type I with nice margins and plate varieties on domestic cover with full content. Spectacular, beautiful piece! Identification and signed: Seitz, 1850.aug.3. 6kr HP Type I, szép szélekkel, lemezhibákkal: fehér folt a koronában, a Kreuzer feletti vonalon szakadás, fehér folt a jobb oldali koronaszalagon, hibák a "STEMPEL" szóban. Távolsági levélen teljes tartalommal, látványos, szép darab! "SISSEK" - Warasdin. Identification and signed: Seitz
Sign: Cover

6kr HP Type I with nice margins and plate varieties on domestic cover with full content. Spectacular, beautiful piece! Identification and signed: Seitz

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP Type I with nice margins and plate varieties on domestic cover with full content. Spectacular, beautiful piece! Identification and signed: Seitz
Year: 1850
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
Insured cover "NEUSOHL" - Pest, ~1855 Pénzeslevél "NEUSOHL" - Pest
Sign: Cover

Insured cover "NEUSOHL" - Pest

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Insured cover "NEUSOHL" - Pest
Year: 1855
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
9kr MP Type III with nice margins, torn on the right side, not cut! With plate variety, on envelope "(TEME)SVÁR" - Wien, ca 1855 9kr MP Type III szép szélekkel, a jobb oldalon tépve, nem ollóval vágva! Lemezhiba a 9-es alatt az alsó keretvonalon. Borítékon "(TEME)SVÁR" - Wien
Sign: Cover

9kr MP Type III with nice margins, torn on the right side, not cut! With plate variety, on envelope "(TEME)SVÁR" - Wien

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 9kr MP Type III with nice margins, torn on the right side, not cut! With plate variety, on envelope "(TEME)SVÁR" - Wien
Year: 1855
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
6kr HP Type I with nice whole margins and plate variety, on domestic cover "RAAB" - Güns, ca 1855 6kr HP Type I. teljes szép szélekkel, lemezhiba: fehér folt a sas jobb fejénél!! távolsági levélen "RAAB" - Güns (hátoldalon szép viaszpecsét)
Sign: Cover

6kr HP Type I with nice whole margins and plate variety, on domestic cover "RAAB" - Güns

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP Type I with nice whole margins and plate variety, on domestic cover "RAAB" - Güns
Year: 1855
Sign: Cover
Webshop Item
~1850 6kr MP type III with nice whole margins (horizontal fold) on domestic cover "NYIREGHÁZA" - "KASCHAU" - "LÖCSE" to Georgenberg, spectacular piece!, ~1850 6kr MP type III teljes / szép szélekkel (vízszintes hajnyom) távolsági levélen "NYIREGHÁZA" - "KASCHAU" - "LÖCSE" - Georgenberg-be, látványos darab!
Sign: Cover

~1850 6kr MP type III with nice whole margins (horizontal fold) on domestic cover "NYIREGHÁZA" - "KASCHAU" - "LÖCSE" to Georgenberg, spectacular piece!

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: ~1850 6kr MP type III with nice whole margins (horizontal fold) on domestic cover "NYIREGHÁZA" - "KASCHAU" - "LÖCSE" to Georgenberg, spectacular piece!
Year: 1850
Sign: Cover
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