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Search Results: 440
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6kr HP III dark brown, with watermark "KRONSTADT" Certificate: Steiner, 6kr HP III sötétbarna, nagy vízjelrészlettel "KRONSTADT" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

6kr HP III dark brown, with watermark "KRONSTADT" Certificate: Steiner

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP III dark brown, with watermark "KRONSTADT" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
6kr HP Ib dark brown, overinked print with plate flaw "LOSONCZ" Certificate: Steiner, 6kr HP Ib sötétbarna, túlfestékezett nyomat lemezhibával "LOSONCZ" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

6kr HP Ib dark brown, overinked print with plate flaw "LOSONCZ" Certificate: Steiner

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP Ib dark brown, overinked print with plate flaw "LOSONCZ" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
6kr dark brown, with machine offset "MAKÓ" Certificate: Steiner, 6kr sötétbarna HP III látványos gépszínátnyomattal  "MAKÓ" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

6kr dark brown, with machine offset "MAKÓ" Certificate: Steiner

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr dark brown, with machine offset "MAKÓ" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
6kr HP Ib blackish brown, 0,065 mm silk paper, highlighted middle part "PÁPA" Certificate: Steiner, 6kr HP Ib feketés barna, 0,065 mm-es selyempapíron, kiemelt középrész "PÁPA" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

6kr HP Ib blackish brown, 0,065 mm silk paper, highlighted middle part "PÁPA" Certificate: Steiner

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP Ib blackish brown, 0,065 mm silk paper, highlighted middle part "PÁPA" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
6kr dark brown, with machine offset "PESTH" Certificate: Steiner, 6kr sötétbarna HP III gépszínátnyomattal "PESTH" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

6kr dark brown, with machine offset "PESTH" Certificate: Steiner

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr dark brown, with machine offset "PESTH" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
6kr HP borwn "TEME(SVA)R" Certificate: Steiner, 6kr HP Ia barna "TEME(SVA)R" Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Used

6kr HP borwn "TEME(SVA)R" Certificate: Steiner

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP borwn "TEME(SVA)R" Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
6kr HP light greyish brown, margin piece on yellowish paper "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch, 6kr HP Ia világos szürkésbarna, ívszéli nyomat sárgás papíron "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Piece

6kr HP light greyish brown, margin piece on yellowish paper "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr HP light greyish brown, margin piece on yellowish paper "WAITZEN" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Piece
Webshop Item
6kr chocolate brown, with 5 mm margin "WARASDIN" Certificate: Strakosch, 6kr csokoládébarna HP III, 5 mm-es felső ívszéllel "WARASDIN" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Used

6kr chocolate brown, with 5 mm margin "WARASDIN" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 6kr chocolate brown, with 5 mm margin "WARASDIN" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
1kr orange HP III "(P)ESTH" Certificate: Strakosch, 1kr narancs HP III "(P)ESTH" Certificate: Strakosch
Sign: Used

1kr orange HP III "(P)ESTH" Certificate: Strakosch

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1kr orange HP III "(P)ESTH" Certificate: Strakosch
Year: 1850
Sign: Used
Webshop Item
1kr MP III yellow "PESTH" Signed: Ferchenbauer, Certificate: Steiner, 1kr MP III citromsárga "PESTH" Signed: Ferchenbauer, Certificate: Steiner
Sign: Piece

1kr MP III yellow "PESTH" Signed: Ferchenbauer, Certificate: Steiner

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 1kr MP III yellow "PESTH" Signed: Ferchenbauer, Certificate: Steiner
Year: 1850
Sign: Piece
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