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Webshop Item
Burjate (Buddhist) Sibirisches Infanterieregiment Nr. 26. Russische Soldaten-Typen / Siberian infantry regiment, Russian soldier, 26. szibériai gyalogezred, orosz katona
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease

Burjate (Buddhist) Sibirisches Infanterieregiment Nr. 26. Russische Soldaten-Typen / Siberian infantry regiment, Russian soldier

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Burjate (Buddhist) Sibirisches Infanterieregiment Nr. 26. Russische Soldaten-Typen / Siberian infantry regiment, Russian soldier
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality/Minor defect Minor corner crease
Motive: Art postcards , Military
Webshop Item
Austrian soldier boy s: Carl Diehl, Osztrák katonafiú s: Carl Diehl
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed

Austrian soldier boy s: Carl Diehl

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Austrian soldier boy s: Carl Diehl
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Children , Military
Webshop Item
Hungarian soldiers in a Polish forest, Hősök pihenője egy lengyel erdőben; Az Érdekes Újság kiadása
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality

Hungarian soldiers in a Polish forest

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Hungarian soldiers in a Polish forest
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
German military propaganda, Német katonai propaganda
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect

German military propaganda

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: German military propaganda
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality/Minor defect
Motive: Art postcards , Military
Webshop Item
Von Ludendorff, Erich Ludendorff tábornok
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good

Von Ludendorff

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Von Ludendorff
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Art postcards , Military
Webshop Item
Le conflit Européen en 1914; Albin Michel / Wilhelm II, French military propaganda, II. Vilmos császár, I. világháborús francia katonai propaganda
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality Artist Signed

Le conflit Européen en 1914; Albin Michel / Wilhelm II, French military propaganda

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Le conflit Européen en 1914; Albin Michel / Wilhelm II, French military propaganda
Sign: Postcard with stamp OR text Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Military , Monarch, politician
Webshop Item
In guter Hut / WWI, K.u.K. Red Cross propaganda, Nővér sebesült katonával, Cs. és kir. hadsereg, I. világháborús Vöröskereszt propaganda
Sign: Postally used card Good quality Artist Signed

In guter Hut / WWI, K.u.K. Red Cross propaganda

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: In guter Hut / WWI, K.u.K. Red Cross propaganda
Sign: Postally used card Good quality Artist Signed
Motive: Art postcards , Military , Red Cross
Webshop Item
Japanese military - Monument of Mr. T. Ino and a statue of Colonel Kosuge, Japán katonai emlékmű és Kosuge ezredes szobra
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good

Japanese military - Monument of Mr. T. Ino and a statue of Colonel Kosuge

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Quantity: (pcs)
Description: Japanese military - Monument of Mr. T. Ino and a statue of Colonel Kosuge
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Military
Webshop Item
'Und vergib uns unsere Schuld...' Carl A. E. Schmidt, Serie 'Das Vaterunser' Bild 4 / The Lord's Prayer, German military, "És bocsásd meg vétkeinket..." Carl A. E. Schmidt, "Miatyánk" sorozat 4. kép, német katonai lap
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality

'Und vergib uns unsere Schuld...' Carl A. E. Schmidt, Serie 'Das Vaterunser' Bild 4 / The Lord's Prayer, German military

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: 'Und vergib uns unsere Schuld...' Carl A. E. Schmidt, Serie 'Das Vaterunser' Bild 4 / The Lord's Prayer, German military
Sign: Postally unused card Good quality
Motive: Art postcards , Military
Webshop Item
General de Castelnau, Édouard de Castelnau tábornok
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good

General de Castelnau

Unit price:
Quantity: (pcs)
Description: General de Castelnau
Sign: Postally unused card Excellent quality/Good
Motive: Military
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