Leírás: | San Francisco, Union Square, St. Francis Hotel |
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Leírás: | San Francisco, US Mint; Published by C. E. Kropp |
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Leírás: | 1906 San Francisco, Fleeing from the burning city; Charles Weidner |
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Leírás: | San Francisco, Union square, automobiles |
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Leírás: | Santa Barbara, California; Veranda at Hotel Potter by Moonlight |
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Leírás: | Santa Barbara, California; Mission Fathers |
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Leírás: | 1929 Santa Catalina Island (California), Beautiful Avalon Bay |
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Leírás: | Schenectady, NY; Corner Lenox and Douglas Roads |
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Leírás: | 1906 New York, Stock Exchabge and Wall street |
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Leírás: | St. Louis, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Palace of varied industries |
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