Leírás: | 1907 Sangalam, Ballade sur le marigot / waterside, boat, TCV card |
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Leírás: | Senegal, Dans une Foret de Rhoniers / forest, huts |
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Leírás: | Sénégal, Dans un Village / in a village, African folklore |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Timbuktu, Tombouctou; Pirogue cousue / pirogue, native canoes |
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Leírás: | Tirailleurs Senégalais / shooters parade |
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Leírás: | Village en Forét / village in the forest |
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Leírás: | Village Indigéne / native village, hut, African folklore, photo |
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Motívum: | Folklór |
Leírás: | Negotin, pope, photo |
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Leírás: | Nis, barracks of the regiment of engineers |
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Leírás: | Vrnjacka Banja |
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