Leírás: | 1920 Olevano Romano, Panorama / general view |
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Leírás: | Ostia, Ostia Lido; Spiaggia / beach (14,9 cm x 10,4 cm) |
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Leírás: | Ostia, Lido di Roma; Panorama e Pontile / pier, beach (15 cm x 10,4 cm) |
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Leírás: | Ostia, Strada dei Sepolcri / road, ruins |
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Leírás: | Palestrina, Panorama da levante / general view (15 cm x 10,5 cm) |
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Leírás: | Pallanza, Mad. di Campagna / church (14,9 cm x 10,3 cm) |
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Perugia, Ingresso alla Cattedrale e Monumento a Paolo III / cathedral, entrance, monument of Paul III (15 cm x 10,4 cm)
Leírás: | Perugia, Ingresso alla Cattedrale e Monumento a Paolo III / cathedral, entrance, monument of Paul III (15 cm x 10,4 cm) |
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Perugia, Portone del Palazzo Comunale / palace, town hall, gate (15 cm x 10,4 cm)
Leírás: | Perugia, Portone del Palazzo Comunale / palace, town hall, gate (15 cm x 10,4 cm) |
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Perugia, Palazzo Municipale, Dettaglio del Portale / palace, town hall, portal (15,1 cm x 10,6 cm)
Leírás: | Perugia, Palazzo Municipale, Dettaglio del Portale / palace, town hall, portal (15,1 cm x 10,6 cm) |
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Perugia, Palazzo Municipale, Lato Nord / palace, town hall, north side (15,1 cm x 10,6 cm)
Leírás: | Perugia, Palazzo Municipale, Lato Nord / palace, town hall, north side (15,1 cm x 10,6 cm) |
Jelzés: |
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