Description: | Poor Hungary! Irredenta s: Szőcsné Szilágyi Piroska |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Irredent , Propaganda, politics |
Description: | Rendez-vous / date s: Solomko |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Romance, couples |
Description: | Promenoir bien Parisien / Parisian promenade s: A. Guillaume |
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Motive: | Art postcards |
Description: | Pygmalion, humour s: A. Guillaume |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Humor |
Description: | Urging the willing, couple, Artcolor Series No. 761. |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Romance, couples |
My society is approved / Humorous card, couple, Panel Series No. 457. s: Fred Spurgin
Description: | My society is approved / Humorous card, couple, Panel Series No. 457. s: Fred Spurgin |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Romance, couples |
Description: | Dancing couple Emb. litho |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Romance, couples |
Description: | Couple Emb. litho |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Romance, couples |
Zur Erinnerung an die Anwesenheit des Wiener Männergesangvereins Fahnenweihe des Männergesangvereins Adomnt / In memory of the presence of the Viennese Men's Choral Society, coat of arms
Description: | Zur Erinnerung an die Anwesenheit des Wiener Männergesangvereins Fahnenweihe des Männergesangvereins Adomnt / In memory of the presence of the Viennese Men's Choral Society, coat of arms |
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Motive: | Art postcards , Flags, Coat of arms , Music, Musicians , Propaganda, politics |
Description: | Arad, church, book shop |
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Auction house: